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Shari Liu

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Foundations of Mind is led by a steering committee drawn from each of its member departments. See below to learn about the team. Chaz Firestone

Postdoctoral Fellow

We are hiring a postdoctoral fellow! You can learn more here. This position is for a candidate who would work closely with incoming Co-Director E. J. Green, and is one of multiple positions that will be available through Foundations of Mind. Watch this space for more opportunities! (Fall 2023)

Welcome to E. J. Green

The Foundations of Mind Group is thrilled to welcome E. J. Green to Johns Hopkins University. E. J. is a philosopher of mind and cognitive science, and arrives as both Miller Associate Professor of Philosophy and also Co-Director of our group. Learn more about E. J. and his research here. (Fall 2023)


Videos and articles featuring members of the Foundations of Mind Group On NPR‘s All Things Considered In the New York Times and Science On BBC Radio 4 Article in Arts & Sciences Magazine on bridging the sciences and humanities In the New York Times